The Fords of Isen.
Game using Midguard.
Rohan : Chris Caves, Jeremy Nixon,
Saumans minions : David Smylie, Stephen.
Report by Jeremy Dowd.
This game was the first appearance of the new Midgard Heroic Battles rules at the club.
Written by James Morris and published by Reisswitz Press, the rules cover warfare in Ancient, Mediaeval and Fantasy settings, especially those battles where heroic leadership could be a decisive factor.
The scenario was taken from an article in the 2025 Lard Magazine, and was based on the works of JRR Tolkein. The Riders of Rohan were defending the two fords against the evil forces of Isengard.
Most of the players had never played these rules before, so it was up to Jeremy D and David S to provide the necessary guidance. Chris supplied the figures and terrain from his extensive collection.
As it was a learning game, we won’t dwell too much on the outcome. Suffice to say that the good guys didn’t win!
The Isengard forces led with their most powerful unit, a pair of Trolls, to attack the ford on their left, and despite gallant charges by Rohan cavalry and infantry, they made it across.
Meanwhile, at the other ford, Rohan archery delayed the onslaught of the Uruk Hai, but eventually the latter prevailed.
The view from the Isingardian side
There ware flank attacks by some Uruk Hai and Wargs.
Reinforcements arrived for both sides, but it was a case of too little too late for Theodred, Prince of Rohan, who was cut down as he fought the trolls.
All agreed that the rules worked well, and we will hopefully before long have a chance to try this scenario again, in addition to some historical battles.
Editorial comment.
I think I speak for most, if not all, of us that Chris's terrain boards are very impressive, puts my green fleece blanket to shame. But I do wonder, if we were to check behind his container, how many teddy bear carcasses would be unearthed ?
I note Chris is channeling Peter Jackson by sneaking some Elves in where they did not appear in the book. However, they were only stand ins for Rohan archers as there were not enough of these for the scenario.
Gimli the dwarf took some time out from his run to Fangorn forest. Killed an Urk hai and had a smoke before rushing back to the forest. Peter Jackson would be proud.
Photos curtesy of Gary, Chris and the Editor.
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