Report from Gary, 25th January 2025.
Game using Field of battle 3rd edition.
French : Mike and Simon.
Allies : Dave T and Dave M.
Club meeting today and I put on another FOB3 game this time using scenario 'Le Garde Au Feu' from GDB scenario booklet as the basis.
Scenario is set during Lutzen 1813 and depicts the afternoon counter attack by the Imperial Guard around the 'four villages' defended by a Prussian and Russian force.
French were commanded by Mike and Simon with the 'Two Daves' (Dave T and Dave M) tasked with holding off Guard with their Allied force.
French had 32 units with 2 Old Guard,12 Young Guard, 4 Line, 4 Second Line some Skirmish screens and supported by Guard Lancers and Line Lancers with several batteries of guns (some Guard standard with one Battery static on heights), they also had 45 Morale.
The French had to place 2 Brigades in off-table reserve (they choose the Old Gde and Gde Cavalry).
Allies had 24 units with 4 Prussian Line, a Prussian Guard Brigade with 2 Gde Musketeers, a small (3UI) unit of Gde Jager, 4 Russian Grenadiers (although Pavlov unit starts as a village garrison), 4 Russian Second Line, Skirmish screens and Prussian Cavalry Dragoons and Hussars, a unit of Russian Gde Hussars and several gun batteries, they started with 35 Morale.
Game was another cracker with lots of action and incident.
Highlights were Russian Gde Hussars being Routed but then Rallying and charging two units in flank destroying them but then being charged in turn on their flank and annihilated.
One Prussian Gde foot were ignominiously Routed with 3 hits by OG Guard guns but they too managed to Rally (and restore all UI losses !).
Most entertaining (at least for Umpire) was the OG Foot Brigade failing 5 times (1 on a D10) to appear but then once they did they were 'supercharged' getting 3 moves twice and essentially winning the game by inflicting musketry losses, which expended Allied Morale and of course an Army Morale was turned and the Allies quit the field.
However it transpired that the French had only 1 Morale clip left so very close to collapse themselves.
Quote of day was from Simon "how to win by rolling ones" as indeed the French had a deluge of such rolls especially early on.
French Young Guard formations advance near Rahna.
And encounter Russian Gde Hussars near Klein-Gorschen.
Action at Rahna heats up.
Prussian Gde forms a sort of Brigade Square behind Rahna.
Prussian and Russian foot Brigades hold back in front of Gross-Gorschen.
Formations engage on other side of Rahna (note OG guns on hill).
Russian Line and Grenadiers push forward.
Russian Gde Hussars have rallied from rout with 2UI loss but have forced French into square (the French units assaulting Klein-Gorschen were later flanked and routed by Hussars).
Young Guard forming for assault one Brigade behind 2 gun batteries.
French Cavalry have arrived from reserve.
French about to take Rahna through orchards.
Prussian Dragoons ride to their glorious doom (they did Rout a foot unit but 'died' themselves after taking a hit in pursuit).
Rahna focus of activity on French right.