11 January 2025

WWII Sicily

 Report from Gary. , 11th January 2025

I played in a game using Combat HQ rules that was set up (a good deal of work) and umpired (even more arduous !?) by Mike.

He used a Command Decision (?) scenario from the excellent Bob McKenzie site with action around Pesano and Tobacco Factory in Sicily campaign.

This has Yanks defending (2 infantry Battalions with a Tank Battalion as off-table reserve) being attacked by Pz Grenadiers with tank support (PzIVs) and with options to conduct flanking maneuvers (ie entry points). 

Both sides had artillery support with Yanks having roughly double

Bryn and Mr B took Krauts/Heinies/Nazis and Ian and I the glorious US forces of freedom.

We got to set up on 'blinds' to create some fog of war with Huns coming on from varied directions. 

Ian took the forward US Battalion which were dug-in and on the half of the table with lots of cover (tree lines) whereas my Battalion had much more open half of table but would see the tank support arrive in this area (very conducive to a tank engagement).

So it proved as Mr B arrived on my flank with Panzers and Grenadiers and overwhelmed my Support Coy (an MG a Mortar and a lowly 37mm AT gun). 

Yank infantry on this flank really took little part here as hugging distant limited cover  and outside their range, spotting for Artillery their main activity.

Tank support arrived on third turn and engaged MrBs PzIVs, a Pak40, a Puma and a PzIII (which turned out to be a Flam Panzer).

Shermans outclassed in the end although a single Veteran M10 did kill a PzIV and US force morale faltered. 

To be honest not really sure what occurred between Bryn and Ian, German infantry seemed stymied but they had several Panzers which were pushing forwards, Ian only had a 37mm AT gun and a T30 half track (75mm) with any ranged AT capability (infantry all have Bazookas but of course limited range)

Not played these rules in couple of years and took awhile to get gist of how one uses the various dice as 'strings' or the very flexible 'wild dice' (sixes) along with the Staff Orders but once it clicks it all plays smoothly.

Good fun with a very interesting scenario, kudos to Mike for arranging the game

Not many pics as too engrossed in game (always a good sign).

First of the Germans arrive on my flank 

Later with 2 brewed M4s and M10 in action (note infantry hugging river bank for cover)

Panzers advancing 

A fresh PzIV company is pushing forward mid-table

The scenario map

Photos curtesy of Gary.

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